Wednesday, 15 June 2016

When I consider your heavens!

A vibrant rose after the rain

Recently at the beginning of June I started a wee challenge organised by the Wildlife trusts that has me considering God's creation every day. In my limited capacity I have been able to take a few photographs everyday to help create a wildlife blog.
Its amazing how looking around at our immediate environment has just inspired me and has continually given joy and calm. As a christian I can't help but be in awe of God's Creation 'the works of his fingers'...'the moon and stars'...

In Psalm 8:3,4 & 9 it states:

3 When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained,

4 What is man that You are mindful of him,
And the son of man that You visit him?

9 O Lord, our Lord,
How excellent is Your name in all the earth!

These verses clearly state that when we consider God's works our response is to praise and declare how 'excellent is Your name in all the Earth' !

Also though we are strongly reminded in these verses of our own humility. With all of God's work in creation why would He be mindful of us in comparison to all these wondrous things. Also the fact is He desires to draw close to us. Indeed how excellent is that.

Focusing on the word ordained (dictionary def: To decide in advance or order officially). Theres a great sense of the power and authority of God in creating creation. Creation is God's workmanship, no one or nothing else created it. He ordained it in order that we would bring praise to God, Himself.

Our response: What can we actively  do today to consider God's creation?                  
A question to reflect upon; How does creation bring you closer to God?

I hope this short blog encourages you, we did this as a family devotional this week. I read out what I was going to write in this blog. My son loved it so much he wants me to do two a week. Thats great feedback is all I can say.. :)

A Drooping poppy 


  1. Enjoyed the message. Bible reading and message while in hospital gives me encouragement.
    How deep the father's love for us,how vast beyond all measure.
    When I look at the mountains daily I gaze in awe. With gratitude that he would ever love a soul like mine. It's causes me to bow the knee in submission. How great is the God that we adore our faithful unchangeable friend.

    1. I'm delighted it has encouraged you Janene. Always sticks with me in all situations that God I the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!
